Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Geometry Chapter 5 (Properties and Attributes of a Triangle) -  1st part of sammi lowells blog is on this link

1. Equidistant - When the point is the same distance from two or more objects
2. Locus - A set of points the satisfies a given condition

1. Perpendicular Bisector Theorem - if a point is on the perpendicular bisector of a segment, then it is equidistant form the endpoints of the segment
2. Converse of the Perpendicular Bisector Theorem - if a point is equidistant from th endpoints of a segment,then it is on the perpendicular bisector of the segment
3. Angle Bisector Theorem - If a point is on the bisector of an angle, then it is eqidistant from the sides of the angle



Concurrent - when 3 or more lines intersect at one point
Point of concurrecy  - The point where they all intersect
Circumcenter of the triangle - The point of concurrency
Circumscribed  - a circle that contains all verticies of a polygon
Incenter of the triangle - Point of concurrency
Inscribed - in a polygon intersects each line that caontains a side of the polygon at exactly one point

1. Circumcenter theorem - the circumcenter of a trinagle is equidistant from the verticies of a triangle
2. Incenter theorem - the incenter of a trangle is equidistant from the sides of a the triangle



Median of a triangle - a segment whose endpoints are a vertex of the triangle and midpoint of the other side
Centroid of a triangle - point of concurrency and of the medians of a triangle
Altitude of a triangle - A perpendicular segment from a vertex to the line containing the opisite side
Orthocenter of a triangle - Point of concurrency


Centroid theorem - The centroid  is located 2/3 of the distance from each vertex to the midpoint of the opposite side


midsegment of a triangle - a segment that joins the midpoint of two sides of a triangle


1. triangle midsegment theorem - A midsegment of a triangle is parellel to a side of the triangle, and its length


indirect proof - begin assuming that the conclusion is false the show that the assumption leads to contradiction


Angle-side relationship theorem - if two sides of a triangle are not congruent , the the larger angle is opposite to the longer side

Trianlge inequality theorem - the sum of any two lengths of a triangle is greater then the third side length



Hinge Theorem - if two sides of one triangle are congruent to two sides of another triangle and the included angles are not congruent, then the longer third side is across from the larger included angle

m<A > m <D        BC>EF


Pythagorean triple -    A2 + B2 = C2



45, 45, 90 triangle theorem - Both legs are congruent and the length of the hypotenuse is the length of a leg squared rooted

30, 60, 90 triangle theorem - the length of the hypotenuse is 2 times the length of the shorter leg, and the length of the longer leg is the length of the shorter leg time 3 square rooted

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Geometry chapter 11


interior of a circle - set of all points inside the circle
exterior of a circle - set of all points outside the circle
chord - a segment whose endpoints lie on the circle
secant - a line the intersects a circle at two points
tangent - a line in the same plane as a circle that intesects it at exactly on point
point of tangency - the point where the tangent and a circle intersect
concentric circles - coplanar circles with the same center
tangent circles - two coplanar circles that intersect at one point

radius  - midpoint of a circle
diameter - a line that goes strait through the middle of the circle

minor arc - an arc whose points are on or in the interior of a central angle
major arc - and arc whose points are on o on the exterior of a central angle
semicircle - half of the circle
sector of a circle - a region bounded by two radii of the circle and their intersepted arc

How to find the area of a sector.

A = 3.14 (pi)r2(m/360 degrees)
arc length - the distance along an arc measured in linear units

Inscribed angles of a circle --->

Chapter 6 ( polygons and quadrilaterals)


Concave - when a polygon looks caved in
Convex- when a polygon looks like parts are sticking out
Diagonal - a line across the polygon
Kite - a polygon in the shape of a kite
Isosceles trapazoid - Has two congruent legs
Parallelogram - four sides

triangle - 3 sides - 1 triangle - 180 degrees of interior angle
quadrilateral - 4 sides - 2 triangles - 360 degress of interior angle
pentagon - 5 sides - 3 triangles - 540 degress of interior angle
hexagon - 6 sides - 4 triangles - 720 degrees of interior angle
n-gon - n sides - n-2 triangles - (n-20)180 degress of interior angle